About Us

About the Houston Bar Association Auxiliary

President's Welcome

Jill Arntz - President

I recently returned from the American Lawyers Alliance Mid-Year meeting, held in conjunction with the American Bar Association’s mid-year meeting, in beautiful Phoenix, Arizona. I spent 3 days with the most wonderful group of people discussing long range planning strategy, support of the legal community and scholarships for law students, high school students and teachers who focus on civics and the law.

I also met members of state and local attorney alliances. We talked about our changing role in our local legal communities. Change and growth are a part of every organization. How the organization changes and grows ensures its viability moving forward in efforts to attract new members and continue to support our communities. We look forward to implementing the ideas we discussed for our organization as we look to the future.

We hosted our annual Chili Cookoff on February 1, 2025. The weather was absolutely picture perfect as eighteen law firm teams decorated their booths and served up the most amazing chili and accompaniments. There is also a Best Pie Contest. The pies are as delicious as they are beautiful. The competition is tough in both categories. Local Harris County judges serve as the judges of the Chili and Pie contests. The winners this year were: Best Chili: 1st place Hispanic Bar Association, 2nd Steptoe Law Firm and 3rd Total Energies Team 1. Best Alternative Chili: Spice Girls; Best Pie:1st place Kieran Wheeler with Rapp & Krock, 2nd Sharon Chiles with Jones Day and 3rd Emma Brockway, with Fisher Phillips, and Penny Brockway; Best Decorated Booth: Jones Day. This family-friendly event occurs every year. Each attendee receives samples of each team’s chili and pies as well as free beverages. There is a children’s area with an inflatable jump house, coloring station, snacks and the always popular ride on rolling horses. A fantastic DJ provides music for a festive atmosphere.

We are hosting our 32nd Leon Jaworski Luncheon on March 28, 2025 at which we will honor David Beck, a founding partner of Beck Redden. The Leon Jaworski Award honors a Houston area attorney for his or her non-legal contributions to our community. We are proud to honor David Beck with this award this year.

We are in the process of receiving scholarship applications submitted by students from our three area law schools – South Texas College of Law, Thurgood Marshall School of Law and the University of Houston Law Center. Each year the Houston Bar Association Auxiliary awards $5,000.00 to one student from each of the three law schools. The scholarships will be presented at the HBAA Annual Meeting and Luncheon to be held this year on May 30 at 11:30 at Flemings in River Oaks.

We are so happy you visited our website. Please check out our events and activities and consider joining our membership.

Meet the 2024-2025 Executive Board

Jill Arntz


Samantha Torres




Samantha Torres



Membership Chairman

Carmela Frels


Nichole Nech

Chili Cookoff Chair

Amy Dunn Taylor

Courtesies and Condolences



Kelly Greenwood Prather

Membership Directory and Database

Habitat House


Newsletter and Communications

Sue Bennett

TLA Representative


HYLA Representative

Noel Roberts



Deborah Kearney

Member Events and Do the Write Thing

Dominique Varner

Do the Write Thing

Meet the 2024-2025 Directors

Libby Manela, Director

Dominique Varner, Director

Stacey Manela, Director

Melanie Airy, Director

Our History - 

How it all started...

The Women's Association to the Houston Bar Association was formed at the request of HBA President Palmer Hutcheson, Sr. Twelve women met at the Houston Club on February 26, 1947 to plan its organization. These women, the Organizing Founders, are Ruth Brown, Jean Cartwright, Nancy Collie Reed, Maxine Cook, Caroline Hutcheson, Virginia Noel, Mildred Patterson, Elsie Pressler, Lorna Terrell Thomas, Phyllis Tucker, Dorothy Weatherly, and Marjorie Werlein. Seventy-four women attended the first meeting held on March 19. At the second meeting on April 18, the Constitution and By-laws were adopted and Virginia Noel was elected President. By May 1947, 199 women had joined, and 325 were members by the time the first yearbook (1947-48) was published. These 325 are recognized as the Founding Members.

The purpose of the Auxiliary was to assist the HBA with social functions. The first year four HBA functions were hosted: two parties for the Junior Bar, one Senior Bar reception for judges, and the Senior Bar annual Christmas dinner dance.   Also, four Auxiliary functions were held: a coffee at the home of Mrs. George Butler, a November luncheon at the old Houston Country club off Wayside Drive, a February style show, and an April business meeting. For the State Bar of Texas 1948 Houston Convention, the Auxiliary planned and hosted two style show luncheons, July 1 and July 2, and organized and hosted a sight-seeing tour and coffee to visit the gardens of Miss Ima Hogg and other estates. 

Also, a new system of registration was devised making it possible to locate any lawyer attending the convention; the system was adopted and used by the State Bar of Texas for many years. In 1949, the Auxiliary and the Bar sponsored the first Harvest Party, a major social event that continues to this day.  The Auxiliary expanded its objectives in 1981 to include community service projects focused on the law and the practice of law as a profession. To fund them, the Houston Bar Auxiliary Charitable Fund, Inc. was established April 11, 1982 to solicit, receive, and disburse funds.

 The first project, the Community Legal Education Committee, was a library of law-focused educational videotapes. CLEC was dissolved after reports that many tapes were no longer up-to-date, and in 1996 tapes deemed current by Houston Young Lawyers were donated to the Region IV Education Service Center.

The second service project, the Law Day Committee, was initiated in 1982. Currently no longer involved in this project, the Auxiliary received one local, one state, and six national awards for it's involvement. Law Day activities included elementary school patriotic programs; middle school assemblies; high school seminars; essay contests; legal education classes for libraries, senior citizen groups, and retirement centers; the hosting of a reception for a naturalization ceremony; and the distribution of Your Legal Rights.

The third project, the Leon Jaworski Award Program, was inaugurated in 1988 to publicly honor lawyers solely for their community service. Success in politics, the military, or professional organizations may contribute to a candidate's record, but they are of secondary importance in the selection. In April 1988, the Pat Foley sculpture "Family" was set in permanent display at the Harris County Family Law Center. Honorees are given a commemorative maquette of "Family".  

Recipients are Thomas D. Anderson, Tom Martin Davis, Herman P. Pressler, William C. Harvin, Gibson Gayle, Jr., Gail Whitcomb, Sam W. Davis, Jr., Wyatt H. Heard, Searcy Bracewell, Charles A. Saunders, Bruce La Boon, J. Kent Friedman, E. William Barnett, Daniel C. Arnold, Harry M. Reasoner, Neal Manne, Julius Glickman, Harry Gee, Sr., Charles Szalkowski, Jonathan Day, and Scott J. Atlas, Ewing Werlein, Jr., Lynne Liberato, Carol S. Vance, Kelly Frels, and Charles Foster,Rufus P. Cormier, Jr., Bill Kroger, and Donna J. Petrone. Nominations for the award are garnered throughout the Houston community.

The fourth service project distributes the booklet "Now You Are 18", produced by the Texas Lawyers Auxiliary. The goal is to present each Harris County High School Senior a copy. The project grew from distribution of 6,000 booklets in 1990-1991 to more than 35,500 copies to over 24 Harris County School Districts, private schools, and agencies in 2006-2007.  Beginning in 2019, this project has converted to a digital format only. “Now You Are 18” app is available as a free app. 

The fifth project is "Do the Write Thing" which is sponsored by the National Campaign to Stop Violence. This project was formed to assist the HBA with one of its service projects. Our committee provides volunteers to read and evaluate essays written by middle school students addressing the problems of drugs and violence in their lives. Last year 2000 essays were read by the committee. 

The sixth project is to assist HBA's Habitat for Humanity House project. HBAA donated funds toward the building of the house, and the Auxiliary provided refreshments and hosted the dedication of the 22nd and 23rd houses in 2019.  

The Auxiliary adopted a name change in 1990 representing its diversified membership; today the organization is known as the Houston Bar Association Auxiliary. The American Lawyers Auxiliary presented the HBAA "The Auxiliary Excellence Award" for outstanding service to the community from 1999 thru 2007. Members are encouraged to participate in Auxiliary and HBA social functions and to volunteer for service on Auxiliary committees and certain HBA service committees. Primary goals continue to be education-focused: building awareness of our system of justice as well as esteem for the law and those who serve the law.

Interesting HBAA History Reads

HBA Milestones

"Houston Bar Association Auxiliary - A History of Service to the Bar and Community"

The November/December 2020 issue of the Houston Bar Journal featured an in-depth article that discusses the rich history of the Houston Bar Association Auxiliary from 1947 to present.  To read the article in full, please click the button below. 

HBA Milestones Article on HBAA

Houston Lawyer

"Who Are These Women in these Hats?"

In celebration of the Houston Bar Association Auxiliary's 50th Anniversary, the March/April 1997 issue of the Houston Lawyer showcased the HBAA and its traditions that started at its very inception back in 1947.   Loaded with lots of fascinating tidbits and fun pictures from the past, take a moment to read this fun article by clicking the button below. 

"Who Are These Women in the Hats?
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    Past Presidents (1960-1979) 

    (shown with 60's and 70's costume collection) 

    Seated L to R: Virginia Abercrombie, Virginia Walker, Oneida Roark Ramona Thornton, Julia Wallace, Sue Collidge, Louise Erwin 

    Standing L to R: Nancy Perry, Margy White, Anne Eastland Spears Nancy Collie Reed, Lucy Arnold, Beverly Arnold, Ruth Wagner Skelton, & Jane Hogan 

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    Organizing Founders and Presidents 1950's 

    (shown with 40's and 50's costume collection)

    L to R: Marjorie Werlein, Jean Cartwright (daughter Dorsey Cartwright pictured) Phyllis Tucker, Nell Jeffers (a daughter of Founder Lorna Terrell Thomas), Elsie Pressler, & Maxine Cook 

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    Organizing Founders

    Seated: Phyllis Tucker 

    L to R Standing: Marjorie Werlein, Nancy Collie Reed, Elsie Pressler

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    Past Presidents (1980..1996) 

    (shown with 80's and 90's costume collection) 

    Seated L to R: Hetta Heath, Margaret Griffin, Barbara Tartt Ann Wilde, & Carmela Frels 

    Standing L to R: Jane Larkin, Roberta Worsham, Caroline Vaden, Sandy Redd, Nancy Eubank, & Beth Lloyd 

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    50th Anniversary

    Houston Bar Association Auxiliary

    Aprl 10, 1997

    Past Presidents and Organizing Founders

    Seated L to R: Anne Eastland Spears, Margy White, Hetta Heath, Phyllis Tucker 

    (Organizing Founder), Nancy Collie Reed (Organizing Founder and Past President), Nell Jeffers, Sue Collidge, Elsie Pressler (Organizing Founder and Past President), Frances Boone, Oneida Roark, Maxine Cook (Organizing Founder), and Virginia Abercrombie. 

    Standing L to R: Barbara Tartt, Marjorie Werlein (Organizing Founder and Past President), Carmela Preis, Ann Wilde, Nancy Perry, Virginia Walker, Caroline Vaden, Sandy Redd, Beth Lloyd, Jane Hogan, Roberta Worsham, Nancy Eubank, Julia Wallace, Ramona Thornton, Jane Larkin, Louise Erwin, Lucy Arnold, Ruth Wagner Skelton, Beverly Arnold, and Margaret Griffin 

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    75th Anniversary Past Presidents


Past Presidents

1947 - Virginia Noel (Mrs. James)*

1948 - Anne Butler (Mrs. George A.)*

1949 - Frances Boone (Mrs. James C.)*

1950 - Catherine Abercrombie (Mrs. Lovett) (Formerly Mrs. David Searls)

1951 - Ted Moody (Mrs. Denman)*

1952 - Justa Helm (Mrs. Shirley)*

1953 - Elsie Pressler (Mrs. Herman P.,Jr.)*

1954 - Caroline Hutcheson (Mrs. Thad T.)* 

1955 - Mary Frances Gresham (Mrs. Newton)*

1956 - Nell Jeffers (Mrs. Leroy)*

1957 - Lorna Terrell Thomas (Mrs. Herbert L., Jr)*

1958 - Lillian Hoover (Mrs. Howard S.)*

1959 - Marjorie Werlein (Mrs. Presley E., Jr)*

1960 - Helen Cruse (Mrs. Sam W.)*

1961 - Margie White (Mrs. A. Ben)

1962 - Nancy Collie (Mrs. Marvin K.)*

1963 - Mrs. William C. Perry*

1964 - Willynn Couch (Mrs. J. O. Terrell)*

1965 - Mrs. William O. Taylor*

1966 - Lucy Arnold (Mrs. William Buck)

1967 - Ruth Skelton (Mrs. James M.)

(Formerly Mrs. Willard B. Wagner, Jr.)

1968 - Octavia Holman (Mrs. Burke)

1969 - Anne Spears (Mrs. John)*

(Formerly Mrs. Seaborn Eastland, Jr.)

1970 - Oneida Roark (Mrs. Alfred W.)*

1971 - Virginia Walker (Mrs. Jerry V.)*

1972 - Beverly Arnold (Mrs. Daniel C.)

1973 - Katie McConn (Mrs. John L., Jr.)*.

1974 - Louise Erwin (Mrs. William F., Jr.)

1975 - Sue Coolidge (Mrs. Joel B.)*

1976 - Virginia Abercrombie (Mrs. John)

1977 - Ramona Thornton (Mrs. E. H., Jr. *

1978 - Julie Wallace (Mrs. Bass C., Sr)*

1979 - Jane Hogan (Mrs. Richard P.)

1980 - Roberta Worsham (Mrs. Jean Mills)

1981 - Carolyn Vance (Mrs. Carol S.)

1982 - Hetta Heath (Mrs. Jesse H., Jr.)

1983 - Barbara Tartt (Mrs. Blake)

1984 - Martha Erwin (Mrs. James N., Jr.)

1985 - Fran Dunn (Mrs. Charles R.)

1986 - Sandy Redd (Mrs. Gordon L.)

1987 - Nancy Eubank (Mrs. J. Thomas)

1988 - Jane Larkin (Mrs. Lee R.)

1989 - Ann Wilde (Mrs. William Key)

1990 - Suzan Glickman (Mrs. Julius)

1991 - Margaret Griffin (Mrs. Campbell A., Jr.)

1992 - Caroline Vaden (Mrs. Frank S.III)

1993 -Betsy Hope (Mrs. Henry W.)

1994 - Beth Lloyd (Mrs. Harold)

1995 - Judy Oldham (Mrs. D. Dudley)

1996 - Carmela Frels (Mrs. Kelly)

1997 - Carolyn Matthews (Mrs. Guy E.)

1998 - Jacque Royce (Mrs. Joseph W.)

1999 - Jo Anne Neslage

2000 - Sherryl Durkee (Mrs. William)

2001 - Marsha Orloff (Mrs. Gary W.)

2002 - Lynn Gagnon (Mrs. Stewart)

2003 - Gina Rebman (Mrs. John)

2004 - Sue Bennett (Mrs. John H., Jr.)

2005 - Carolann Moore (Mrs. Louis M.)

2006 - Betty Griffin (Mrs. Richard E.)

2007 - Judy Maynard*

2008 - Nancy Boswell (Mrs. John H.)

2009 - Sandy Norris (Mrs. John)

2010 - Kathy Redden

2011 - Andi Durham (Mrs. Michael L.)

2012 - Ansley Buttram (Mrs. Stephen)

2013 - Annette Duggan (Mrs. F. Lee, Jr.)

2014 - Hazel Donato (Mrs. Randy)

2015 - Wendy Dawson (Mrs. Alistair)

2016 - Lisa Ganucheau (Mrs. Thomas)

2017 - Lisa Sharp (Mrs. Phillip D.)

2018 - Gregory Griffin

2019 - Keisha Phillips

2020 - Dominique Varner

2021 - Dominique Varner

2022 - Kelly Greenwood Prather

* Deceased

Past Boards

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